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Investigator Responsibilities

研究潜在生物危险材料和重组DNA活性的主要研究人员(PI)需要 NIH Recombinant DNA Guidelines and/or university policy to submit a 生物安全形式 referred to subsequently as a protocol to the IBC. 在进行这些活动之前,必须获得IBC的书面批准. 下面的列表旨在作为需要IBC批准的活动类型的指南. It is not an all inclusive list. Please refer questions to

  1. Activities that include recombinant DNA molecules (rDNA)
  2. 任何涉及种植或生产转基因生物的活动
  3. 任何涉及在环境中释放或培育转基因生物的活动(美国农业部解除管制的项目除外)
  4. Any use, 占有, storage or transfer of select agents and toxins,
  5. Any activity involving the use, 占有, storage or transfer of any biological agent (bacteria, 真菌, 植物, 病毒, rickettsiae, 衣原体, 寄生虫, 过敏原, 类病毒, virions and prions) that can be harmful to humans, 牲畜, 植物 or the environment
  6. 研究 activities involving:
    • Known infectious tissues/materials, [其中包括存在人体危害的已建立的人类细胞系,因此被归类为风险组2 (RG2)制剂(BSL2)],
    • Substances/specimens containing infectious materials that include:
      • Activities that either propagate these materials, (e.g., growth of microbiological specimens), 
      • Could potentially expose workers to these agents, e.g., 当土壤已知含有传染性病原体或来自土壤中有地方性传染性病原体的地区(炭疽芽孢杆菌在美国西南部部分地区流行)时,筛选土壤样本(雾化土壤), 例如).

所有方案(生物安全表格)必须在每月提交截止日期前提交(请参阅我们的 Committee Meeting page) to be included on that month’s meeting agenda. The date and location of meetings may vary, so contact the Office of 研究 Assurances for specific meeting details. 在节假日或满足协议要求的月份,会议日期会有一些变化. 请计划在所有BSL-1和BSL-2协议的计划研究开始日期前至少四到六周提交协议. BSL-3 protocols and Select Agent protocols, please contact the Biosafety OfficerOffice of 研究 Assurances 寻求帮助.

The approval of a 生物安全形式 is good for three years. 然而, 增加风险或显著改变工作范围的工作范围变更必须作为生物安全表的修正案提交. 在三年批准期内对已批准的生物安全表格的修改不会改变MUA的原始更新日期. To inquire if an amendment is needed, send an email to 修正案 need to be submitted and processed through 维拉.

一些修订可以通过行政修订审批程序处理,该程序需要获得以下至少两名人员的批准, IBC的椅子, and additional member of biosafety committee. 下面提供了一些示例,以帮助指导需要通知IBC的更改类型. As these are illustrative only, please refer all questions to the

  1. 协议变更的例子,必须提供给IBC作为其批准的修正案:
    1. 生物安全1级(BSL-1)批准的方案,建议添加风险组2制剂;
    2. 增加在II类生物安全柜中不计划发生的具有雾化风险的程序,
    3. 计划使用发酵罐或批量大于10升的生物体,
    4. BSL-2批准的方案,建议添加具有不同风险或更高风险的其他药物, (e.g. 批准使用鼠伤寒沙门菌(RG2)并建议添加伤寒沙门菌(RG3),或批准使用任何风险组2生物并建议添加具有已知抗生素耐药性的同一生物的临床分离株, [increased risk]).
  2. Examples of protocol changes that may be administratively approved:
    1. Change in PI (provided equivalent expertise)
    2. Additional lab space (with approved facility review)
  3. Examples of protocol changes that do not require notification to the IBC:
    1. Addition of procedures to the work that do not pose a risk of aerosolization,
    2. 如果议定书不需要医疗监督,则增加实验室人员. (PI负责保存生物安全手册中实验室人员的最新名单,并确保所需的年度培训,包括生物安全手册(BSM)的审查在BSM中记录。),
    3. Addition of host/vector models with lower risk.

The PI must make available to all staff a copy 的 IBC approval notice, the approved facility review, the approved Biosafety Manual and the approved protocol.

The PI must comply with all 国家卫生研究院的指导方针 进行重组DNA工作,并确保所有实验室工作人员遵守NIH指南.


The PI is responsible to report any significant problems, violations 的 国家卫生研究院的指导方针, or research related accidents or illnesses, or new information bearing on the 国家卫生研究院的指导方针 to the Biosafety Officer. Some examples of reportable incidents are:

  1. 潜在传染性物质或重组DNA外溢.
  2. Improper disposal or decontamination of potentially biohazardous materials.
  3. 针扎和其他涉及潜在传染性物质的人员伤害.


Inform lab staff of precautionary medical practices advised or requested (e.g. 接种疫苗).

以书面形式调查和报告任何与控制措施和程序的运作和实施有关的重大问题 Biosafety Officer.


Comply with shipping requirements for rDNA molecules per 附录H of 国家卫生研究院的指导方针.


PI负责确保其他实验室和研究安全程序到位, such as proper personal protective equipment, appropriate research equipment (autoclaves, Biosafety cabinets, chemical fume hoods, 等.), 标志, 方便查阅安全资料,例如物料安全数据表(msds), and the ability to manage different wastes (biological, hazardous chemicals, 专家, 等.).

For additional PI NIH requirements see “PI Responsibilities” section IV B. 7 . 国家卫生研究院的指导方针.


Office of 研究 Assurances

Physical Address:

Morrill Hall Room 414
Moscow, ID  83844

875 Perimeter Dr., MS 3010
Moscow, ID  83844-3010

Phone: 208-885-2258


网络: 奥拉的网站
